Bodybuilder Bob is a 2D flash game about a lonely doctor who spots the love of his life but never gets to see her again.
Created by Karen Chang, Cole Pritchard, Lauren Sessa
Using: HaxeFlixel, Monodevelop, DAME, Photoshop
Bob's goal is to steal body parts from a hospital to recreate the love of his life
Bob must hide from doctors in order to access body parts
Once Bob retrieves a body part, he must find the exit
The only way to win is to find all of the body parts and not get caught
Shadow Uprising is a 2-D flash and android touch-based game where you play as a mischievous shadow that wants to make the world sad.
Created by Karen Chang, Meredith Cole and Sarah Macor
Using: HaxeFlixel, Monodevelop, Photoshop, Illustrator
Play as a shadow who can touch owls, wolves, trees and other living things to make them sad
Earn combo points!
Earn badges at the end of each level!